Wednesday, November 2, 2011


So I’m trying out this blog thing more, and I’m going to try to write something every day this month. I’m gearing up to submit something for - Canada Writes – for the creative non-fiction portion of the competition, and as a part of that I can’t post what I’m going to submit. So I might not post my writing every day, bit I am going to try and post something.

As a part of overcoming depression, I think it’s important that I start looking back on my life and realize how much I accomplished. Maybe that sounds a bit self serving, but I suppose that’s the point of it. I need to remind myself how far I’ve come, and recognize that what I went through was some pretty hard shit, and celebrate my strengths.

If you’re working through your own depression I urge you to do the same. I think it’s important for all of us. Whether you write some in the comments, make your own blog post, or just write it for yourself. I think it’s important.

So in no particular order, I’m going to list them.

1) I survived my adolescence.
2) I survived the bullies.
3) I survived the abuse from every father figure I’ve ever had.
4) I survived sexual assault.
5) I survived being kicked out of my home.
6) I overcame the broken hearts. Three and counting, but I can’t and won’t let that stop me from connecting again.
7) I dropped out of school when I realized that the environment was toxic, but didn’t allow it to stop me from learning.
8) I survived being homeless.
9) I got to know me, slowly but surely, and I didn’t compromise myself. If I was in a situation I didn’t like, I did whatever I could to get out of it. Granted some of the ways I did this were not always beneficial, but I would allow no one to brow beat into being something I wasn’t.
10) I learn. Everyday I willingly open my mind to knew things, and learned to think rather then just parrot things I’ve heard.
11) I never did crystal, E, cocaine, heroin, Special K, GHB or any other ‘party drug.’
12) I also never thought that never doing any of the party drugs made me better then anyone else.
13) I have made amazing friends, met beautiful people, and let everyone who touched my life teach me something new.
14) I have given people second chances, even when all would say they didn’t deserve them, because I think it’s important to believe that people can change.
15) I am surviving depression.

Maybe to some people these things seem unimportant, maybe not much of an accomplishment. After all, I didn’t list getting a degree, or making accomplishments in a career. But I can’t measure my accomplishments and successes with other people’s standards.

What I have done and what I have gone through in my life, was not easy. I need to stop telling people that it was nothing, that it wasn’t easy or hard, because I have nothing to compare it too. Because it was hard. It was really fucking hard.

So yes, I have accomplished a lot in my 28 years on this Earth, and with everything I’ve gone through I know I can and will do so much more. And I plan to.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
- Albert Einstein


  1. Wow.

    My heart is honestly racing at the moment as your story so hit all my nerves that I am even losing my ability to write I believe (which is uncommon for me).

    Your story sounds so close to mine. Other side of the world (Europe) but oddly similar, we are also only a year apart (am 29).
    Literally every single point you mention is the same for me. And I can add a few more.

    Being an artist and author nowadays I am actually working on publishing quite some work myself regarding my story, planning to get that done this winter. Part of wanting to get my story out there, my 5 cents in breaking the taboo. But mostly for me as a way of dealing with the matter. I am still struggling, every day has at least some harsh difficult moments. And the other article you wrote, with the bridge building and such, lifted my spirits. Thank you for that.

    Would honestly love to connect with you.

  2. Jaga, thank you very much for your kind words. I can't tell you how much I appreciate them. And would love to connect, I think one of the greatest tools we have for healing is to process and dialogue with one another.
