Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Borderline Stigma

Retrieved from "...But She's Crazy

So I am having a lot of trouble finding peers in the fact that I can’t seem to find many men with BPD.  Almost every thread I look at is horribly out of date, and if you do a search for Men and BPD in the same line, inevitably you come up with one certain type of article. 

The articles vary in length and in level of literacy.  At first glance some seem well though out and researched until it gets into the meat of the topic.  Essentially it all boils down to these few personality traits, that all of us with BPD tend to share.  

  • Manipulative.
  • Tendency to lie for attention.
  • Vengeful.
  • Sadistic/Masochistic.
  • Abusive.
  • No Empathy.
  • Untreatable
  • Good in bed.

The rest could almost be tolerable, if it wasn’t for the last one.  Some of these posts have blatantly stated that if they good put up with the crazy they’ll have some awesome sex for a while, but it’s generally not worth the trouble of dealing with the insanity. 

Some of these articles even seem to be well written, until the bias for their research comes through loud and clearly with misogynist bull shit.  Where they cite a reference that in itself is either poorly researched, dated and/or it actually invalidates pretty much all of their points except the one they try to prove with that citation.  
For instance, there are a lot of articles out there that say BPD is more prevalent in women.  Most researchers would disagree with that, but I suppose it is contested territory.  However, after basically saying that women with BPD are untreatable and men should just stay away from them, they mention it’s more prevalent in women, link to an article that proves them ‘right.’ At the same time, the same article actually tends to invalidate everything else they’re saying.

It would be nice if people actually read their sources. 

Now I think talking about dating someone with BPD is something that people should be able to talk about.  If you can’t deal with someone with this disorder, then you shouldn’t be in their/our lives, but if you do really care for someone who has BPD or Borderline Tendencies, educate yourself.  I have said this before. 

BPD is treatable; it’s not a life sentence. People with BPD can be some of the most interesting people you ever meet, or they could be so boring you want to scratch out you’re eyes.   We are as diverse as any other population of people.  However, we think and feel differently from most people, but this doesn’t make us unapproachable.  Now there’s no cure for BPD, but there really isn’t a cure for any mental illness, but there are skills and tools that we can learn to help us adjust to living in a world that doesn’t operate on quite the same emotional wavelength as we do. 

By treating us like we’re monsters though, you’re just making the problem worse. These ‘PSA’s about people with BPD is feeding into a system of oppression that socializes people in such a way that just creates more people with this problem.  And please, the next time you want to call us unempathetic and untreatable, search for the hashtag #BPDfriends on twitter and take a look at how supportive we actually are to one another.  There is no lack of empathy or compassion there.

Also, read up on biosocial theory and dialectical behavioural therapy.  People who actually educate themselves on the issues before ranting about them are in such short supply these days. Even just reading the Wiki pages is a good starting point. 


  1. I actually suffer from BPD and I tried really hard to work with my ex who was a male with BPD, although unfortunately, I think a lot of men, especially because of the stigma associated with men being vulnerable/getting help tend to drift towards the more sociopathic side of the disorder... ALthough really that just kind of can apply to any borderline person who doesn't want to get better/treat their impulse urges/learn not to be so emotionally selfish. I literally wanted to smack the everliving fuck out of myself when I realized how emotionally selfish I was being for the longest time. I think because they're less emotional in general and more emotionally repressed especially in America, it's less of a stress for males with BPD to slowly shift more towards sociopathy....

    1. Hi Avril! First of all thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Just so you know, I actually moved my blog to if you want to keep up with me.

      I think it's important to differentiate that sociopathy, otherwise known as Antisocial Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder are two different things. It's not a one or the other sort of scenario, in fact people can be diagnosed with both.

      I don't think the problem is that men can't show emotion, it's more of a won't show it then anything else. I think the problem is that the way men have been socialized to show emotion. It's something that's private and never shared, unless it's anger or something else aggressive. Sexual desire as well. These emotional displays are okay.

      So a lot of men with BPD have unreal anger management issues, as well as it's not uncommon for men with BPD to have sex/porn addictions as well. And these are just a couple of examples. Just because the ways emotions are expressed are different, doesn't mean they aren't there, and isn't indicative of Sociopathy.
