Monday, February 27, 2012

YOU Published

So some of you may remember that I wrote a blog post called 'You' a few months back. Well that blog post caught the eye of a good friends of mine who works for a Magazine called Tusaayaksat which is a news and culture magazine in Arctic Canada. She decided to publish it. This hits stands today, so I am finally allowed to share this.
Published in Tusaayaksat which is published by the Inuvialuit Communications Society, Inuvik NWT, Canada
M is gonna send me some print copies tomorrow, I'm so incredibly proud of myself right now, and I want to thank all the amazing people who helped make it happen.  So thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart, you have helped show me that I am more talented then even I thought.  Thank you for believing in me.

Also, I still think this is a really important message, so please share far and wide! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Menstruation is not YOURS to joke about...

Dear Men,

As a man, you have no right to joke about menstruation. Seriously. If you have not gone through this bodily function then stop joking about this.

Menstruation is a bodily function. As I understand it, it's not a fun one, but one that happens every month. Telling another man that you hope their 'flow slows down' because they are irritating you is incredibly offensive. As if the only reason someone could be irritated with you is because they're hormonal.

We are socialized and brought up in such a way, still, in 2012 to think that women are irrational and hysterical, especially during their period. We, men, constantly treat them and their bodies like they're something there for our amusement. They are not, they are there for their (women) lives.

It is not something that we are allowed to laugh and mock. If women want to do it, it's their right to do so, it is not our place as men to mock their bodies, especially when there is so much of our own that deserve mocking.

Seriously though, if someone is irritated or annoyed with you, maybe you should take a look at yourself as oppose to casting blame to the other person.

Just saying,

-David O'Garr

Friday, February 10, 2012

Diva Quotes - 3 - Judy Garland

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


It's something that a lot of us tend to shy away from.  We're scared of it when we really shouldn't be.

We are raised in a way that teaches us to never strive much beyond the status quo.  We tend to bottle up the things that bother us.  We never bring them up.  We never cause a scene.  We keep on following this path to mediocrity, but it doesn't lead us where we want to go.  Its a flawed system.

Conflict promotes change and change is really one of the only things the human race is best at.

As Max Lucado said, Conflict is inevitable but combat is optional.  So, this isn't about throwing punches, but it is about standing up for yourself.  Planting your feet and saying, 'No, this isn't right.'  This is about questioning authority and working towards what's rightfully yours.

But maybe you're wrong.  That's okay.  The very challenge you made helps you and the other learn something.  Youve learned why you were wrong and learned a new perspective.  They learned that you have convictions and, maybe, they learned that they need to be clearer with their words and thoughts too.

Conflict isn't just about winning or being right, its aboutlearning. 

This is why my best friends are not afraid to call me on my shit.  If you do things in a way that doesn't dismiss the other persons feelings or concerns, and teach them about another perspective then its good.  Its healthy conflict.  I have a few friends that are particularly adept at telling me to shut up and help me understand at the same time.

Conflict doesn't need to be this big scary thing.  It pushes us to change and to learn.  We can't grow as people, or in our relationships, if we dont have conflict.  Things can't always stay the same.

Overall, there needs to be balance too.  As necessary as conflict is, so is the peace, the quiet, the fun and loving moments you spend with one another.  I am not questioning that.    But, if you can't fight well with someone, then the playing time will get real boring real fast.

Song of the Now - 1

I decided my blog needed a couple of features in order to keep me posting.  So welcome to 'Song of the Now' where I'm going to post songs that in that moment mean something to me, for one reason or another.

I think this one's quite obvious as to what it means to me.  But I needed to remind myself of this today;

So turn the volume up and enjoy!

Diva Quotes - 1

“This life is what you make it. Not matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends - they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, somg go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And babe, I hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up becuase if you give up, you'll never find your soul mate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.”

- Marilyn Monroe

This one is for all my 'sisters' the girls and women in my life who are so adept at helping me put the pieces back together I'm not sure I could even fall apart if I wanted to.  Which lately, I've been wanting too.

I just need to stay positive, I need to keep trying, and I need to keep my head high.

Marilyn, you were so far ahead of your time, you are sorely missed from this world.  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Learning About Walls

photo credit: Kristin Craig Lai
I want to talk about letting down your guard.  Breaking down those metaphorical walls that you put up to protect yourself.  I want to talk about them, because I have learned something.  I have learned that it’s not a good idea to just tear them down.

No, they need to come down brick by brick or you’re going to be buried by the rubble.

I recently had someone in my life who I fell absolutely head over heels with.   He said all the right things, he had the most amazing soulful brown eyes, he listened, he really listened.  He showed me so much compassion and he told me these wonderful stories about naming infants and children infected with HIV in Brazil, in orphanages that wouldn’t name them because they were just going to die.  

He was perfect for me, he was compassionate, he volunteered, he knew all the right things about all of the things that I cared about - that I was passionate about.   He was tender and loving, and those are qualities I’m not used to seeing in men.  

He was a little rough around the edges too, gruff and a bit unfinished, but I really liked that about him. 

He had my walls completely down within a month of knowing him.  He knew things about me that I have had trouble talking about with some of my closest friends.  I talked to him about the sexual and physical abuse I went through.  I talked to him about how I used to do sex work, and that while it wasn’t right for me at that time, it’s still something I respect and I stand in solidarity with the men and women working in the industry. I talked to him about my childhood, my relationship with my mother, my depression. 

Everything, I completely opened myself up to him. 

Now it wasn’t one sided, but it wasn’t as free flowing from his side as it was from mine  I’m not going to share what he shared with me, because that’s not my story to tell.  That’s his, and his alone. 

You would think that that would be a sign of trust, a bond would form.

Except it wasn’t and I think it was part of why it to fall apart so spectacularly.  You see, after I opened up to him, after I basically told him everything there was to know about my history, I became more insecure. 

Should I have told him that?  Should I have mentioned this?  Maybe I talked about that too soon?   Do you think this bothers him and he’s just not saying anything? 

No matter what else he said to make me relax, I never did.  I worried about where things were going, I overanalyzed everything - more so then I already do.   It became so intense for me that I could barely handle it.   Enough so that I had a couple of friends say, “David, you really need to back away from this or this is going to be very messy.”

And messy it was, I probably now have even more trust issues. I still can’t stop thinking about him eight months later, even though I’ve tried everything.  I flip flop from hating him to being understanding about what happened, and wishing nothing but the best for him. 

Everything happens for a reason though right? 

Well I learned that even though a guy says all the right things, that maybe it’s a good idea to not be a complete open book.  Let him read and savour the book, so he can really appreciate it.  

I learned a lot more from him too, he helped give me a different perspective on money and getting your education, things I’m going to put into practice.  Taught me that I don’t have to indulge in all of the things I enjoy to find happiness, that I really should stop living beyond my means.

Because of the entire mess of it, and how it left me, I started seeking treatment.  I’ve been on an antidepressant now that’s really helped, and I go for my psychotherapy consult in March.  It’s about time that I did this.

So one day, I really hope that I can become friends with him, and I hope that I’ll be able to talk with him and work things out in the near future with him in an honest dialogue, but I need to stop holding my breath for that to happen.  Easier said then done, that’s for sure.   I also know, that being friends with him right now is absolutely impossible for me, I’m not naïve, I have a lot more healing to do and I’m still too messed up about him to jump in that train wreck waiting to happen. 

So although this started as a ‘be careful how you let your walls down’ post, I think this is actually more about being honest with yourself.  Listen to the cues your body is giving you, if you’re feeling anxious every time he’s around or you talk about him, maybe you should step back a little.    I know it’s a fine line, I mean we should all get butterflies when we talk to the people we love, but it shouldn’t be to the point where it stresses you out. 

Also, you need to take care of yourself.  Get treatment.  That may or may not include medication, everyone is different.  Everyone’s treatment plan should be different too. 

I learned this the hard way so maybe you don’t have too.

With much love for all of you,
